Now you can manage promo codes, travel agencies and companies for your entire hotel chain

We simplify the management of rates and conditions for agencies, companies, and promo codes on the extranet at the chain level through Excel spreadsheets.…
We simplify the management of rates and conditions for agencies, companies, and promo codes on the extranet at the chain level through Excel spreadsheets.…
At Mirai we have integrated with Fideltour so that you can centralise your data sources and increase your contacts, your marketing efficiency and the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers.…
There are still hotels that offer different rates for different source markets to compete with the OTA’s. This is how you can find out how to browse the internet of other countries…
One of the requirements that your direct channel must have in order to adapt to international clients is to detect the client's language and automatically adapt your website…
As a hotelier it is very useful to navigate as your clients do (in their countries) which is a very different reality from the one you see from your hotel. We explain you how to do it in a very easy way.…
After a few days of coming to terms with the tragic attacks which took place in Barcelona and Cambrils, we have analysed the behaviour of more than 8,000 bookings…
Tomorrow February 15th, the Barcelona Convention Bureau will release rooms for the Mobile World Congress. You will sell them at a great price, we have no doubts about it. However, will you sell them with the minimum distribution cost? We provide a few ideas According to, today Feb-14th Barcelona is almost fully booked (93%)…
Have you already decided to increase your online sales via the direct online channel? You are strongly convinced that the best booking conditions are on your own brand website and give no reason for your clients to book your hotel through OTA channels. And your customers, are they aware of it? One should remember that…
A blog is just a few pages on your website. Each of these pages contains information in article format that your clients or other curious visitors can find useful during their stay in your city. Some common topics for a blog are: Places to eat in Toledo, things to see in Madrid, tourist bus in Barcelona and…