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Mirai, optimised for any type of occupancy: guests, adults and children or adults only

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The Mirai system is perfect for every type of property, regardless of whether it makes a distinction between adults and children or whether or not it is part of a hotel chain.

City hotels and hotels focused on corporate travel have traditionally charged the same price for adults and children as they had very few guests travelling as a family. Their booking systems therefore do not differentiate between adults and children and use only the generic idea of “guests”.

There are 6 different cases:

  1. For an INDIVIDUAL hotel that works with GUESTS

This is the simplest case. The system makes no distinction between adults and children.


Metasearch engines, however, request availability specifying the number of adults, children  and babies. The booking system interprets all of the different combinations as “guests.” Even a baby will be treated as a “guest”, meaning that the final price for the family may not be competitive or realistic.

  1. For an INDIVIDUAL hotel that works with ADULTS, CHILDREN and BABIES

Our system can be set up to accommodate this. The age range can be set by the hotel and the system even allows two different age ranges for younger and older children. With this set up, website users may then indicate the number of guests in each age group.


As mentioned, hotels with two different age ranges for younger and older children can also be handled by our system:


The response to metasearch availability requests will then be completely accurate according to the age of each of the guests.

  1. For an INDIVIDUAL hotel that works with ADULTS ONLY

The system simply deals only with “adults”, specifying the age from which a guest is considered an adult according to the hotel. Children do not appear.


The system will only respond to metasearch availability requests if it only contains adults that meet the minimum age requirement.

  1. For a CHAIN in which all the hotels work with GUESTS

This is just as easy as if it were an individual hotel.


  1. For a CHAIN in which all the hotels work with ADULTS, CHILDREN and BABIES

Different hotels in the chain may have different age limits, so the booking engine for the chain is designed to just ask for the ages of the children and then classify them according to the different age ranges set by each hotel.


  1. For a CHAIN in which some hotels work with GUESTS and others with ADULTS, CHILDREN and BABIES

For hotel chains with both types of hotel, the adults-children model explained in the previous case is still valid. In hotels that work with adults and children the model will work perfectly. In hotels that work with “guests”, the system will make no distinction between the adults and children indicated in the request and will convert each of them to a “guest”.

Should you think about changing your settings?

In recent years, the number of hotels that use “guests” has decreased and many of them have started to differentiate between adults and children. This is generally a decision that affects the entire hotel and not only the direct sales channels. These are normally hotels or destinations that have seen the number of leisure travellers increase and growing demand from families. This trend is further enhanced by the fact that metasearch engines always ask for the number of adults and children.

A property that has a segmentation target of at least 10% in the family segment should be thinking about distinguishing between adults, children and babies.

The appearance of adults-only hotels has also created a need to adjust the settings in booking systems.

If you need to change the settings for your property, please contact your Mirai account manager.