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New Mirai Data Layer

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Mirai has just updated its Data Layer, expanding the information gathering to more pages, incorporating new parameters, and standardising the existing variables to make this data structure more solid and consistent.

For those less familiar with this concept, the Data Layer is simply a layer or piece of code that gathers certain data that allow us to have total control over what happens in the website. It ideally contains information that we wish to store, process and share. Said data travels through the tag manager and is translated on Google Analytics into events, which allows us to analyse user behaviour, activate marketing actions and speed up the decision-making processes of e-commerce and e-marketing managers.

But the information gathered in the data layer is not only used for sending data to Google Analytics. It also feeds information to the many tags used for digital marketing campaigns with the same goal: to obtain information that helps us better understand the performance of our campaigns and marketing strategies.


The Mirai Data Layer operates on the pages of the booking engine. So far, most of the information was gathered on the Booking Confirmation page, with very few variables being gathered during the rest of the process. After this update to the data layer, more parameters will now be gathered in the Select a Room and the Form pages, broadening the reach of the data gathering to the entire engine.

These variables are directly related to the user’s interaction with the booking process of a hotel, and they provide useful information such as: the device used, the country where the user is surfing from, the navigation language, the hotel ID, the selected date of arrival and date of departure, the number of adults and children, or the total amount of the reservation, etc. In this respect, an important new feature is that from now on we will have the full range of price options: with fees, without fees, with extras, without extras, etc.

Below is an example of a digital marketing campaign we could launch using data gathered through the data layer: Specifically, it is a remarketing campaign (remarketing campaigns show ads to users who have previously visited your website):

  1. Let us imagine a user is checking the price of a hotel room on the website, step 1 of the booking process. He is interested in a certain room, but he leaves the page without booking.
  2. While the user is surfing the net, in real time, the data layer sends anonymous information to the tag manager, which marks the user with a cookie and adds him to a Google Ads remarketing list, along with the other users who have performed that same action.
  3. From that moment on, we can activate a campaign to try to recover the users who have left the site without booking, using banners, for example, within the Google network, with a message designed to have an impact on the user, be it an offer or promotion or simply a reminder of the advantages of booking on the official website.


In short, having an expanded and refined data layer that encompasses all the steps of the reservation process of the Mirai engine gives clients the option to activate more advanced digital marketing campaigns and benefit from an additional data layer that helps optimise their campaigns and make better decisions.

If you need more information you can contact your AM and we will provide you with the document with all the available variables.