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Google recently introduced Hotel Insights, a tool that provides hotels with information on trends and resources to improve their site visibility and attract more users to improve the performance of their marketing efforts. As part of the launch, Google presented several success stories, including one about Sandos Hotels & Resorts.
This success story explains how they tackled the challenge of increasing the effectiveness of investments in Google Ads, while controlling the cost per booking, by working together with Google and Mirai (we are Sandos’ Digital Marketing strategy partner). To do this, Sandos changed their bidding strategy from manual bidding to smart bidding.
As a result, more relevant ads were shown to the right audience, leading to an increase in clicks and a reduction in acquisition cost (-42%), optimising their conversion rate (+88%) and ROI (+60%).
According to Bárbara Balderas, Digital Marketing Manager at Sandos, “Our challenge was to increase the profitability of campaigns in these uncertain times without losing control of the investment”.
You can read the Google success story here.