Why you shouldn’t participate in the new Booking.com programme “Risk Free Reservations”
Booking.com is launching its new programme, at least for some hotels here in Spain. This seemingly innovative programme entails some serious drawbacks.…
Booking.com is launching its new programme, at least for some hotels here in Spain. This seemingly innovative programme entails some serious drawbacks.…
Booking.com is taking steps to continue capturing sales which are currently coming in through other channels, including your website. Get ready to see your Genius rates on metasearch engines…
Sometimes we are asked why we talk so much about Booking.com and that we make them out to be the "enemy". That is not the case and we do not share that point of view. This post will explain why.…
Large Internet companies are evolving with a common objective: occupying the whole life cycle of the client, focusing especially on the most interesting and juiciest part from a money point of view, the booking or the hotel transaction. Historically, the life cycle phases have been occupied by the giants of the industry with well-defined limits.…
Booking.com is a sales leader and you can see that every month due to the amount of bookings that it generates. One of the cornerstones of its success is its customer orientation, a highly used concept in marketing –occasionally unfounded- but that in this case it’s put into practice in all of its processes with…
By Pablo Delgado and César López. On the first part of this serie we analyzed the problem: in this one, the options you have to solve it. Alternative 1: Also advertise yourself It is a common occurrence nowadays. The hotel chains and the more advanced, independent hotels have already accepted the need to invest in…
A new actor will appear on screen, the great promise, Google. It has the potential to stir up the hotel distribution soap and to get the other actors to adapt their roles. Will the audience accept it? Will it change the story or will it just turn out to be another cameo appearance? This actor…
A well-known story for hotels: Powerful middlemen that dominate the market and put pressure on the hotel manager to lower the prices and increase the commission. Before it was the tour-operators, now it is Booking or Expedia, that have managed to continue with the same model adapting it to the new ways of doing things.…
Adwords is popular in travel industry and intermediaries like Expedia invest nearly $6 million monthly (source: Adage) in Google Adwords campaigns – inverting the money they get from partners. Pay Per Click sponsored results bring more and more attention of indivual hotels as well but many questions and doubts arise: Will Adwords bring more reservations?…