Conversion rate doesn’t matter, revenue does

Does the conversion rate reflect the health of your direct sales? Why does an excessive focus on conversion penalize your results? Why is revenue the only KPI you should care about?…
Does the conversion rate reflect the health of your direct sales? Why does an excessive focus on conversion penalize your results? Why is revenue the only KPI you should care about?…
Aligning your direct sales strategy with digital marketing is key to getting the best return on your investments. If you think you still haven't the formula quite right, this guide will help you do it.…
96 out of every 100 users leave hotel websites without booking. Mirai Rescue respond to potential abandonment by users to make sure they come back to finish their booking, recovering 1.71% of lost sales.…
We include the new upselling report to those already available in our BI, providing the detailed data about the activity of this functionality, such as proposed upsellings, conversion rates, etc.…
Booking a room with complex occupancy is a challenge, especially on chain websites. We have resolved the complexities that can arise, eliminating confusion for the user and problems at the hotel.…
Google Hotels has become a key source of traffic and revenue for the direct channel for most hotels. Both paid campaigns and free booking links are important parts of this. Get to know them to get the most out of them!…
Is it possible to quantify the importance of price for your direct sales? How much are you losing by not controlling your prices and allowing other channels to sell cheaper than you do on your own website?…
Boosting the sales of your official website in international markets is always a challenge. With these two improvements your booking engine is even more adapted to international customers.…
Pau Siquier and Trevor Grant look specifically at the lower funnel: What is it, why is it so important and why is it possibly the most effective way of traffic acquisition for the hotels.…
Today we are opening a series of interviews on Digital Marketing in which Trevor Grant, Chief Cheerleader at Revenue Hub interviews Pau Siquier, our Digital Marketing Director…