6 simple ways to inquire about your ads on Google
Adwords is popular in travel industry and intermediaries like Expedia invest nearly $6 million monthly (source: Adage) in Google Adwords campaigns – inverting the money they get from partners. Pay Per Click sponsored results bring more and more attention of indivual hotels as well but many questions and doubts arise: Will Adwords bring more reservations?…
Google launched a new service that may change the way we use Google for search. Since 8th September, results in a search engine (www.google.es) are shown instantly during typing, there is no need of pressing [enter]. Google suggests 4 most popular searches that refer to written phrase showing complete results (including maps, sponsored links) for…
Google Street View has been active in four Spanish cities for a few days. It allows you to walk around the streets using images at street level. Drag these maps or click on the arrows of the streets… The Hotel Arts is a fantastic dawn: See bigger map ME Barcelona before opening, its doors are…