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Past Events

08 Mar 22

Travel Tech USA & CANADA 2022 Forum

22:00 to 23:00

Pablo Delgado, our CEO America will participate in the biggest educational, cultural and networking event organized by Travel Tech.
He will discuss about Best practices to an efficient distribution strategy in tourism.

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05 May 22

Hotel Revenue Forum | Milán

the Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano

Our CEO for EMEA, Javier Delgado will participate as speaker in main stage in the largest event in Italy dedicated to Revenue Management in tourism.

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26 Oct 22

Metasearch Day Cancún

16:00 to 19:30
Hotel Emporio Cancún

Los metabuscadores son escaparates cada vez más importantes en la distribución hotelera. En este evento, por primera vez en Cancún, expertos de Google, Tripadvisor, Koddi y Mirai, te explicaremos todo lo que hay que tener cuenta para jugar de forma más inteligente tu estrategia en metas

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07 Nov 22

HIC Evening Camp and networking party in London

18:00 to 21:00
Sunborn Yacht

While the World Travel Market take place, our CEO Javier Delgado will join the HIC Evening Camp and networking party in London.

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