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10 Sep 20

DISTRIBUTION 2.0 – Turning Hospitality into a Sustainable Intermediation.

15:00 to 18:00

In this livestreaming event we will discover the evolution of distribution starting from GDS and Online Travel up to the various innovations that are increasingly emerging in the current scenario such as Distribution 2.0.

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14 Sep 20

Marketing digital para hoteles: Aprovecha el potencial del entorno online y saca partido a Google Hotel Ads”

17:00 to 19:00

¿Quieres saber más sobre marketing digital y como aprovechar el potencial del entorno online?

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05 Nov 20

Webinar: Metasearch and how to increase Direct Revenue

15:00 to 16:00

To have your hotel bookable on the Metasearch sites is a good way to increase Direct Revenue, but how does this work, actually?

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04 Dec 20

Hospitality Marketplace #Justpitchit

15:00 to 18:00

Hospitality Marketplace is a live streaming event to facilitate "meeting and matching" between travel tech and hoteliers looking for new providers

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